I made this pouch

and this one.

I went with the frayed look, again, on one side; it's a little wild and funky. The other side is a little more classic and clean. The lining fabric matches one of the outside fabrics pieces.
I like the way they turned out. My intention was to post them on Etsy but I can't! They're defective. Yeah, really! You can't tell by just looking at them but they are. The zipper gets stuck and you have to mess with it a bit in order to make it close. It opens just fine. I made a few changes with the second pouch in hopes that it would be better but I've come to the conclusion that the industrial zipper is just too much for the petite pouch. So sad.
Well, they still came out very cute. too bad about the zipper.
I've heard that when you have issues like that with a zipper all you need to do is rub a pencil along the edge. The lead helps?
The pouches are super cute!
They are cute! Too bad about the zippers.
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