Sunday, December 14, 2008

Light & Dark

Last night a friend invited me to join her for Art Night--a gathering at a friend's house for sharing and creating art together! The theme of the night was "watercolor painting". This invitation had great timing since I recently purchased a mini-watercolor set just to give watercolor painting a try. I was so excited!

(sketching the still life with a pencil)

It was a fun night and I learned that painting with watercolors is much more difficult than I had imagined! We began by painting a still life which was not what I had anticipated. I was mentally ready to do some abstract color creations--you know, like the kids make with their Crayola watercolor paints! Yeah, I set my expectations kind of low, huh? It was suggested, by our watercolor expert, that we begin with a still life to work on developing an understanding for light and dark. Man, was that hard!!! She gave us great tips but my brain just couldn't wrap itself around the concept of painting light reflection and shadows; it's hard for me to see things that way. This art form will be something I look forward to developing. A challenge, for sure! I love a good challenge!

(my painting after too much thought and too much water.)

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