Friday, June 30, 2006

silk tie ipod holder

Here's our Father's Day gift to C1.
(A little late, I know. But I had to log another of my finished creations.)
silk tie ipod case

It's made out of a silk tie I purchased at a thrift store. I chose to use it because of its Bronco Football team colors. C1 really likes the Broncos! I added a little loop and it's just big enough for him to slide his belt through. I'm not sure he'll actually wear it this way, but it's a nice option.

I had made him a "just for now" case back in October when he received an ipod for his birthday. It was a yucky gray piece of felt with a hole for the dial and another for the screen. It protected the ipod, but was quite ugly! I told him I'd make him a better one and finally eight months later, Happy Father's Day!

Note: I have to give credit to, adzuki from Etsy, for the idea. She makes wonderful ipod holders from recycled Japanese kimono fabric and silk tie fabric too.

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