The scarf button project suggests you use faux fur and lambswool but I chose to use fabric I had on hand instead. I found myself being lots more creative and unique than I thought I would be just by taking inventory of my fabric stash. I made my scarf first and then made some for the girls with a twist on the button part. I see myself sewing a few more for gifts this winter. Certainly a simple stitch project to gift.
I made a button scarf for each of my girls using flannel and dot minky fabric. Instead of a button I used snaps placing a colorful capped section on each side of the scarf. I did this so that the scarf can be reversible and also so the scarves will stay put. My girls have never worn a scarf before and this will be a good beginner scarf.

For my scarf I used fleece and the scarflette I knitted two winters ago but only wore for about 2 minutes because it was way too itchy. It was the perfect solution for making the scarflette wearable and I didn't have to spend any money on buying more farbric. I didn't make a button-hole on my sewing machine and chose to just cut a slit in the fleece since fleece doesn't fray. The knitting is pretty loose so the button goes right through the knitted half.

I enjoyed this scarf project! I'm sure to participate in Finny & Donk's Sewing Adventure much more this year because the projects seem to be pretty quick and simple. I'm also looking forward to using up my fabric stash. There's lots I can do with what I have!
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