Friday, January 16, 2009


2 great iPhotos

This year's garden will include:
•Black from Tula Tomato
•Cherokee Purple Tomato
•Gold Medal Tomato
•Verte Et Blanc Squash
•Yellow Zucchini Squash

Heritage Farm Favorites Collection:
•Double Yield Cucumber
•German Pink Tomato
•Chioggia Beet
•Dragon's Tongue Bean
•Dragon Carrot
•Lettuce Mixture

All from Seeds Savers Exchange.

We will be starting the tomato seeds soon in the very successul origami seed starter pots. This was very successful for us a few years ago and it is such a smart way to start your garden!

We're hoping for some good black gold too!
2 great iPhotos
compost bin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great stuff!! We are doing the chiogga beet as well. I ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds as they are in MO. You'll have to check out our blog once it is up and running called The Heirloom Experience. I am collaborating with a friend who will be developing the recipes and cooking while I do the growing. Great compost bins....